Program Development and Related Services
Your Incident Management Program must be designed to augment or enhance your ability to conduct on-scene incident management operations, off-site coordination duties, and provide for continuity of operations while managing complex or larger scale incidents or events.
Our service can be as simple as presenting a single course to update your personnel to developing an entire program as a result of an After Action Report or to resolve a compliance or liability issue that has already occurred.
We specialize in, and possess significant national experience in the development of Type 3 Incident Management Teams, often referred to by local and state government jurisdictions as “All-Hazards Incident Management Teams” because they are developed to possess the capability of effectively managing a wide range of hazards; floods, fires, active shooter/hostage, tornadoes, ice storms, civil unrest, land or mud slides, earthquakes, etc. We have assisted dozens of organizations through the entire project; the legal maze of agreements, liability, qualifications guides and processes, oversight committees, historical recognition, through the implementation and training phase.
If you must comply or have determined it is in your best interests to comply with the guidelines of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) requirements stated under Homeland Security Presidential Directive #5, the development of the capability must correspond with and fulfill all provisions of the latest version of the NIMS, currently the 2017 edition. IMTC will guide you through the entire process in a straightforward, effective, and proactive manner.
Depending on the current climate your organization works within, a comprehensive incident management program may include governance, administrative documentation, organizational development, strategic goals, effective training, and technical guidance in the development of incident management capability, possibly including the formation of Incident Management Teams (All-Hazards or discipline specific) within the organization.
IMTC has developed or assisted in the development of numerous successfully-integrated incident management programs, training plans, Multi-Year Training and Exercise Plans (MYTEP), and jurisdiction-wide incident management programs. Our program development and related services can range from a simple validation of current doctrine and guidelines to a complex undertaking such as conducting all stakeholder and constituent assessment, gathering input, historical data analysis, and subsequent design and implementation of a complete jurisdiction-wide program. Our capabilities include:
- Peer and/or stakeholder background research,
- Analysis of Current State incident management capability,
- Program Development and administration,
- Development of enabling governance instruments,
- Development of Standard Operating Guidelines,
- EOC, DOC, or a Team’s plans, policies, and procedures,
- NIMS compliance audits and evaluations,
- Development and presentation of tailored classroom training,
- Development and execution of HSEEP or non-HSEEP exercises,
- Mentoring and training at functional or full scale exercises,
- Mentoring and training at actual incidents or events,
- Technical guidance,
- Presentations and speeches at conferences, meetings, or training sessions,
- Other related assistance.