The NEW 3rd edition is being published and distributed by the AHIMTA. The Response and Planning Guide (RPG) is specifically designed for All-Hazards Incident Management personnel.
Now Available through the AHIMTA Store
Program Enhancement
We no longer present ICS or position specific training courses to state, local, or regional agencies. We are focused on working with the All-Hazards Incident Management Teams Association (AHIMTA) and the Federal response agencies to develop national level courses, exercises, and guidelines to enhance, sustain, and develop the capabilities of the nation’s All-Hazards incident management team
We no longer present exercises directly to state, local, or regional agencies. We are focused on working with the All-Hazards Incident Management Teams Association (AHIMTA) and the Federal response agencies to develop national level exercises to enhance, sustain, and develop the capabilities of the nation’s All-Hazards incident management teams.
IMTC is focused on enhancing the nation’s All-Hazards incident management program by working with the All-Hazards Incident Management Teams Association (AHIMTA) and the Federal response agencies.
As a consultancy with a solid record of accomplishments and successes providing over 1,200 training courses and exercises, and national level doctrine, guidelines, and qualifications and credentialing programs, our experience provides the AHIMTA with significant benefits.